thanks OhHappyDay
concerned fiance
JoinedPosts by concerned fiance
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
I thought I would update the group on what happened this past weekend. My fiance and I met with his brother and sister-in-law (who never left the faith) and one of the elders from the congregation. We began with me asking a question on the validity and proof of the 607 BCE date that is relied on by Watchtower publications and teachings. The elder wanted me to tell him all my questions first. I hesitated because I did not want any of my questions to go left unanswered. But, I ended up giving a brief overview of the topics for all my questions (like 20 things...i have been doing some serious research and Bible studying in preparation for this meeting). After I said these topics, the elder said: "Excellent, very good, very good questions..." "But none of those questions are important right now, what is important for you to understand and think about is who is God, who is Jesus Christ"...The conversation went on like this with him trying to direct us to Genesis 1:1 and John 17:3 (I think thats what it was) and an Ephesians scripture...I felt like I was totally getting the runaround. After two hours, NOT ONE QUESTION got answered. I was so frustrated, as was my fiance (because he had questions as well to ask). Later, his brother and sister-in-law called and expressed their apology for what happened and that they really wanted to answer my question, etc. But, to me (and I told this to my fiance) I thought it was significant that an elder in the congregation was so skirtish about real questions that I had.
What do you all think?
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
OhHappy Day,
Thanks for the email. Sorry I haven't emailed back. The only problem is that my fiance does not have access to email on a regular basis, so it is difficult for him. I will try to tell him to email you soon.
Countdown to Christmas......
by individuals wife inwell, i started today.... christmas shopping!
i have been waiting a long time for this pleasure and i couldn't wait another day!
well, it is only 12 weeks to go!!!
concerned fiance
As someone who was not ever a JW, can somebody please explain to me why it is taught by JWs that OCT 1st is the date of Jesus' birth since the flocks were outside from the scriptures. Isn't there a possibility that flocks were outside in December as well? Please help me educate my inactive JW fiance who is fighting the urge to go back.
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
OhHappyDay, your advice is greatly appreciated and I agree that I should continue to show him my love and support and I pray that God will open his eyes.
Does anyone have the url address for the tallyman web page with quotes from JW's to fight them with?
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
thanks for the advice from everyone, lots to think about. does anyone have the web site for tallyman's quotes that was referred in francois' post?
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
thank you for your response, it made me think about the possibility of US working. But, I though the JW teachings were that a JW cannot associate, especially not marry, a nonJW. How did you reconcile that in your belief system, while you were still a JW?
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
Well, I have read through all of the comments so far, many of you have suggested that I move on, while others have said that it might just take time and I must be patient. Here is an update on what has happened in the last day or so. My fiance has been reading lots of stuff from the internet from and various other xjw web sites that I have printed out and given him to read. He called and spoke to Randy Watters a few hours ago and he has thought of a lot of questions that he wants answered by an elder in his brother's congregation. He is waiting to get Ray Franz's book that I ordered last week so that he can read it. I think he recognizes that there are things to be questioned and so many things that he was taught that don't make sense to me, which, in turn, makes him realize that he should try to understand the support and bible scriptures which WT relies on.
I just wanted to say that I have been reading so many of the various posts on this forum during the last two days and I have learned so much (as a nonJW) from reading about all the issues you have been discussing. Thank you and I hope to be able to participate more and give my own insight (if that is welcome, from somebody who never was a JW, but who has been doing some serious Bible studying lately, to show the inconsistencies in WT teachings.)
Replies will be greatly appreciated. Any thoughts?
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
Dear princecharmant,
I am highly offended by your comment, all others have been open to a newcomer to the forum and have suggested new ideas and important things for me to consider. I simply posted my situation and wanted advice, I thought that would be enough. You obviously thought that I must read every post and reply over the last fifteen days before I am allowed to post my topic, sorry, I don't agree.
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
concerned fiance
Here is my situation: My fiance is now 27 years old. He was raised as a JW from the age of 2 through 18. At that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith. For the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving God, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person. Over the past two years, he has been questioning many of the beliefs that he was raised with. I was born a Hindu and am, for all practical purposes, a Hindu. I do not really go to temple, but I have a very strong moral anv value system based on my faith and belief in God. We have spoken about our religious differences and had reached an understanding that we mutually respect one another's beliefs and we would expose our children to both religions as much as possible.
Unfortunately, after last Tuesday's events, he is now freaking out and scared out of his mind. He truly believes that Bible prophesy is coming true and that now believes he must return to the Truth in order to be saved and have that everlasting life that JW's teach and brainstorm people into believing they will have. I have tried reasoning with him and questioning many of the principles on many of the same basis that you do in your writings. He is miserable because he feels so torn right now. He says if he goes back to the truth, then he will be dead inside because I will not be with him but if he stays with me, he will be sacrificing his life for our love. We have both been crying for days and he is so confused.
I have implored him to do research and read the Bible for himself and seek out its meaning from his own reading, not from the interpretations that have been taught to him. He has agreed and is beginning his quest for knowledge and is speaking to different people in and out of the truth to understand and learn. But, he has now begun speaking very negatively about our future, to the point that he has said that whatever happens, he will always love me. To this, of course, I can only pray that he changes his mind and can be positive about our future. I truly love him and I believe he loves me as well.
I was wondering if you had any words of wisdom on how I can approach him, what to say to him, how to act, what to do, anything to make him realize the errors of the JW's teachings.... Please help.He keeps hanging his hat on 1 TH 5:3 that discussed "peace and security" and that he thinks the world's nations will begin to make such declarations. Please help me refute this statement that he has been taught and any other advice you may have.